- Self-discipline Proposal for the Steel Industry May 27, 2021
- The Sino Credit Mall revision has been launched! Jan 22, 2021
- Notice on Phishing Mail Fraud Nov 16, 2020
- CAA: Argentine crude steel production falls by 6.6% in Sep y-o-y Nov 01, 2019
- The 126th Canton Fair Ends with Success Oct 23, 2019
- National industrial capacity utilization rate in the third quarter of 2019 was 76.4% Oct 18, 2019
TheenthusiasmofChinesesteelenterprisesforexportquotationshadincreasedmainlybecauseoftheweakRMB Thepriceofhotrolledcoil(HRC)hadbeen
Accordingtostatistics,Indiancrudesteeloutputincreasedby4%yearonyeartoaround9 3milliontonsinJune2019,andtheglobalsteeloutputgrewbyn
According to the report, Maanshan Iron & Steel Company Limited (Masteel) was about to restructure a continuous ga
Ansteel,oneoftheleadingsteelmanufacturersinChina,hadannouncedtoincreaseitsAugustpriceofhotrolledproductsbyRMB100-200 ton,withaninc
The first batch of central ecological environmental protection inspectors in the second round will be fully launch
OnJuly5,LuWenyan,deputysecretary generalofChinaIronandSteelAssociationandpresidentofChinaMetallurgicalNews,cosponsoredbyChinaMeta
1)Macroeconomicandfinancialdatastabilized,steeldemandpickedup,andindustrysentimentimproved FromJanuarytoApril,theeconomicdatawasst
First, the level of demand From January to July, the national real estate development investment was 6 59 tr
Macro hotspot1 The quality of bank assets continued to improve As of the end of June this year, the non-perfo
1 opacityIn addition to causing adverse reactions in food, light can also cause changes in proteins and amino ac